Ozone (O3), also known as Trioxygen, is a very powerful disinfectant, and a very powerful oxidant. Naturally, Ozone is produced in the atmosphere from Oxygen, by the action of Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and lightening discharges. But Ozone (O3) is very unstable, and quickly breaks down into O2 in the atmosphere.

Oxidizing Capability of Ozone
About 100 years ago, scientists discovered that the disinfecting and oxidizing capabilities of Ozone could have huge industrial uses. Ozone can be produced in controlled environment using the Corona Discharge method. In this method, atmospheric Oxygen, or pure Oxygen is passed through a chamber where there is a very high electrical discharge. The electrical discharge splits the Oxygen (O2) molecule into two atoms (O). These free atoms combine with the other O2 molecules in the air to form Ozone (O3). This Ozone can be used for a variety of industrial and medical applications.
There are many aspects of generating, using, managing, and finally disposing ozone, when working in an industrial or medical environment. ORAIPL is the leading Ozone Generator manufacturer, and Ozone Systems manufacturer for various industrial applications. We manufacture Small, Medium and Large Ozone Generators to suit applications ranging from portable Indoor Air Purifiers to large Water Treatment Plants.